Minggu, 13 Januari 2008

One Who Truly Helps

In the world of adversity, there're 3 types of people who helps. One who simply help by donating money or things. Another helps by simple means, means giving a helping hand or lending or advise or alms. The last one is one who don't how to help and hence this type of person seldom helps. I see this type of person quite pathetic.

There's only 1 type of person who truly helps. This type of person, I don't call him a person because he is the one who truly (if not wholly) understands what helps truly means. The truth was his guidance. To obtain truth, one must obtain wisdom. To obtain wisdom, one must cultivate over time. Then one can see the universal truth. So I call this person a sage, rather than a person. He who truly helps does not ask for any rewards. When one does so, he will receive divine rewards. Rewards from heaven that is. He too rather seldom takes but instead he'd gives more. Overtime, he will surely accumulate more wealth and hence he'd give more.

To me, any advise should only be given on 3 circumstances. When it is asked. When is of grave danger. And when it is questioned.

It is a good intention in helping ppl esp those in dire needs. but one must have wisdom to see in order to help. It's not about the simple way to simply help. It takes more than that. the way maybe simple but it can be not. simply help is not the way too. The guidance is the way of truth, if u can see it by using your wisdom. Hence is the case is true, then by all means you can help.

Some says it's difficult to be a good person nowadays to help as every good intentions was mistaken for it. It's not about being a good person. It is about the way to be done and how it's to be done, correctly. Many lost faith in doing so. It's just that they don't truly understands what it takes to help.

Senin, 07 Januari 2008


If LOVE can be described, it's not called LOVE.
If LOVE can't be described, you don't have LOVE or you've mistaken LOVE.
So what is LOVE?
LOVE transcends Space and Time.
Everyone has different kind of LOVE and different experience of LOVE.
LOVE is the most unique feeling that comes out from the HEART!
LOVE can't be described not explained! It doesn't had to!
If you made LOVE to be so, it's not LOVE.
When human made LOVE to be as they pleased, it's not TRUE LOVE as human is not perfect.
But when LOVE came from the heart, then it is a TRUE LOVE.

Life Or Wife

This is my Little Quote. Hope you enjoy it Big time with your Life or Wife. :)

If you can't get a Life, Get a Wife then.
If you can't get a Wife, Get a Life then.
If you have a Wife and can't get a Life , it's bcos you've got a Wife!
If you have a Life and can't get a Wife, it's bcos you've got a Life!
You can't have Both Life and Wife, bcos one will go out thru the window sooner than you think!
And you can't loose both Life or Wife

Wishing you therefore have a Good Life or A Good Wife!